The Elephant in the Room: Addressing the Ignored Reality in Israeli Protests

Amidst the cacophony of protests against the Israeli government’s judicial overhaul, one voice remained conspicuously subdued — that of the Palestinians. For months, thousands of Israelis have been taking to the streets in a fervent demonstration against the actions of their government, with Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership at the center of this anger. The international community, especially in the West, applauded these movements, perceiving them as a championing of democracy. But a crucial point of contention remains: the conspicuous absence of the Palestinian plight from the demands and consciousness of these demonstrations.

In a major step, a collective of academics, public figures, mainly comprising of American Jews and Israelis, have thrown a spotlight on this oversight. Their statement, titled “The Elephant in the Room,” now boasts over 1,000 signatories. The essence of their message is clear: while the protests in Israel are noteworthy, they are woefully incomplete without addressing the injustices faced by Palestinians.

The statement paints a grim picture: “Palestinian people lack almost all basic rights, including the right to vote and protest. They face constant violence: this year alone, Israeli forces have killed over 190 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and demolished over 590 structures.” For the authors and signers of the statement, this chilling account adds gravity to the pressing need to recognize and address the systemic suppression of Palestinian rights and voices.

While the document commends American Jews for their longstanding commitment to various social justice causes, it also highlights a jarring contradiction. Their efforts towards causes like racial equality stand in stark contrast to their relative silence on what the authors term as the “elephant in the room” — Israel’s enduring occupation, which they describe as a regime of apartheid.

According to the statement, the very nature of the occupation, along with the backdrop of the 2018 Nation State Law, reinforces the narrative of Jewish supremacism. This disturbing trend isn’t isolated to Israeli policy. The statement also points fingers at American Jewish billionaire funders who bolster the Israeli far right.

In their call for action, the signatories propose a multi-pronged approach. They urge Jewish leaders, educators, and influencers in North America to not only support the Israeli protest movement but to also champion equal rights for both Jews and Palestinians. They stress the importance of supporting human rights organizations that shed light on the harrowing realities of the occupation. Most crucially, they call for challenging established educational curricula, advocating for a more honest portrayal of Israel’s history and its current policies.

Their demands also extend beyond the Jewish community. They call on US elected officials to play a pivotal role in ending the occupation, restricting American military aid to Israel, and ensuring Israel is held accountable in international platforms like the UN.

The significance of this statement is multifaceted. The sheer number of signatories is a testament to its impact, but what’s more noteworthy is its content — a frank acknowledgment of Israel as an apartheid regime, a descriptor few have dared to use in mainstream discourse. The plight of the Palestinians remains an uncomfortable truth, often sidelined in mainstream discussions. This “elephant” can no longer be ignored. The time for silence has passed. The time to act is now.

Jehad Abusalim is Executive Director of The Jerusalem Fund/Palestine Center. The views in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Jerusalem Fund.