Honoring the Life and Legacy of Dr. Halim Barakat: Statement & Memorial Details

The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development, its Board of Directors, staff, and members of its Palestine Center Committee are profoundly saddened by the news of the passing of Dr. Halim Barakat (1931-2023), an esteemed member of our community and a towering intellectual figure.

For years, Dr. Barakat served as a member of the Palestine Center Committee and was one of the original members of The Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine Executive Committee. His numerous roles throughout his distinguished career have greatly influenced the fields of Arab sociology and literature.

Born in Kafroun, Syria in 1931, Dr. Barakat was a remarkable Arab novelist and sociologist, serving as Research Professor of Society and Culture at The Center for Contemporary Arab Studies of Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. from 1976 to 2002. His academic journey led him to teach at The American University of Beirut, The University of Texas at Austin, and as a Research Fellow at Harvard University. A lifelong learner, Dr. Barakat pursued his education with passion and dedication, earning his BA and MA degrees in sociology from The American University of Beirut, and a Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Dr. Barakat’s scholarship and writing encompassed a vast array of subjects on Arab society, culture, and state. His notable works include The Arab World: Society, Culture and State, and Lebanon in Strife: Student Preludes to the Civil War, among many other significant publications. With more than 20 books and numerous articles to his name, his work provided critical insight into key socio-political issues such as alienation, the crisis of civil society, identity, freedom, and justice in the Arab world.

As a fiction writer, Dr. Barakat authored six novels and a collection of short stories, translated into multiple languages. His storytelling was characterized by a combination of vivid realism, symbolism, and allegory, offering humanistic and universal interpretations of historical events. His novels, including Days of Dust, Six Days, and others, stand as enduring literary contributions that have touched readers around the globe.

In 2017, The Jerusalem Fund and Palestine Center held a celebration honoring Dr. Halim Barakat’s accomplishments. Dr. Subhi Ali, Chairman of The Jerusalem Fund’s Board, acknowledged Dr. Barakat’s invaluable service to our community. Esteemed scholars, including Dr. Judith Tucker, Dr. Edmund Ghareeb, and Dr. Beshara Doumani, joined us in recognizing Dr. Barakat’s monumental efforts. Together, they shared remarks reflecting on the profound impact of Dr. Barakat’s contributions.

We are honored to share a link to the event which we hope serves as a timeless tribute honoring his memory: Click Here to Watch

As we mourn the loss of Dr. Halim Barakat, we also celebrate his life, legacy, and the indelible mark he left on the world. His profound contributions to our understanding of Arab society and culture will continue to inspire generations of scholars, readers, and thinkers.

Memorial Service Information

The memorial service for Dr. Barakat will be held on July 7, 2023, at 11 AM at St. Peter and Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church, Potomac, MD.

The church service will start at 12 PM that same day and the internment will be at 2 PM at the Gates of Heaven Cemetery, Silver Spring, MD. He will rest next to his wife Hayat Barakat.

Here is the YouTube link to church service to those who cannot make it in person:
