The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy-MIFTAH

Founded: 2003
Project:  Developing Public Services at Palestinian Marginalized Areas.
Location: Village of Jiftlek in the Jordan Valley

Due to its location in Area C – amidst the Separation Barrier, checkpoints, and settlements – Jiftlek is an isolated community vulnerable to displacement; the village is also deprived of services and economic livelihood. Very few interventions in similar target communities have been registered.  This project was implemented in concert with the local committee composed of the local residence of the village of Jiftlek. The community saw that there’s a need for a public park that will serve the majority of the Jiftlek residents, especially the children and women, who face difficulty in accessing safe, open public areas. Thus, The Jerusalem Fund funded MIFTAH to launch this project that will help make life easier for residents of this marginalized community.